Stable Isotope HydroCalculator
Software - offline version
This version of the Hydrocalculator allows calculations of both: 1) individually entered samples or 2) recalculation of the large data sets using batch processing (batch conversion). The input data file is prepared following the template provided (inputdata.csv) and in respective columns all variables listed above in the steps 1, 2 and 3 need to be provided. The input file must be saved on the computer. The batch conversion will proceed after pressing opening input data file. The input file will be saved on the computer after selecting desired file name.
The offline version for PC can be downloaded from here:
Software Hydrocalculator 1.03 (standard) [EXE in ZIP]
Software Hydrocalculator 1.04 (advanced) [EXE in ZIP]
Instruction for Batch conversion here [PDF]
Input data template here [CSV]
Full paper with explanation (open access) [PDF]
Offline version was designed by Paweł Kalina following algorithm assembled by Grzegorz Skrzypek