Stable Isotope EasyIsoCalculator
EasyIsoCalculator spreadsheet
This version of the EasyIsoCalculator allows recalculations between
1) the isotope ratio of two stable isotopes (R);
2) isotope delta value (δ); and
3) atom fraction of the isotopes (x).
for stable HNCOS isotope composition. A separate page is dedicated for each element.
The offline version of the spreadsheet dedicated for for MS Excel (2010 or above) can be downloaded from here:
Software EasyIsoCalculator 1.1 (standard) [XLS in ZIP]
Full paper with explanation (open access) [PDF]
Brief instruction
The calculation procedure can be conducted following a few easy steps, selecting desired input and output expression, absolute values for the zero point of the isotope scale and pasting user data set for recalculation. The user can also extend the absolute ratio data base or add customise values.
1. Open the EasyIsoCalculator.xlsx spreadsheet using Microsoft Excel 2010 (or higher) and select the sheet for the desired element (e.g. H, C, N). Note that in each sheet the dropdown selection menus for different conversions are in yellow. The selection will automatically populate cells in blue, whereas cells which require values to be typed in or copied and pasted are in orange.
2. Select from the dropdown menu (yellow cell D3) the stable isotope expression for the required conversion. Note that blue cells D4 and D5, along with cells C12, D12, E12 and F12, will automatically be populated with respect to the conversion chosen in cell D3.
3. Select from the dropdown menu (yellow cell D6) the absolute ratio for the zero-point for the selected element (Rstd). The cell reporting uncertainty in determination of the absolute ratio will be populated accordingly in cell D7 (if known) and the source literature will be displayed in cell D8. For oxygen and sulphur is also require to select absolute values and lambda (λ) values for mass depended fractionation for minor isotopes.
4. Add information in D9 regarding the uncertainty of your analyses with respect to the instrument and analytical technique used.
5. Type (or copy and paste) your data to be converted into column C (yellow cells from C13 to C52), up to 50 results at a time. The recalculated values will automatically be displayed in the respective lines in columns D, E and F.
6. The uncertainty in the recalculated results will be displayed in columns K, L and M, corresponding to the expressions displayed in D, E and F, respectively.